Strategic Goals and Plan

Taha | 0 | 1,853 | 5:19 am Wednesday 28th August 2019 | |

Strategic Goals

First Goal: Strengthen the university’s infrastructure to reach the national reference standards for educational and research facilities.

The second goal: Support the institutional capacity of the university, develop the administrative structure, and develop the administrative and human capabilities of the administrative body

Third Goal: Develop the existing study programs and provide  new study programs available that serve the surrounding community and keep pace with developments on the regional and global arenas to prepare a distinguished graduate who meets the needs of the labor market

Fourth Goal: To develop the skills and capabilities of faculty members and their assistants and to complete the deficit in faculty members and the supporting staff in the faculties of the university in accordance with the quality requirements.

Fifth Goal: Support student services and activities in cultural, sports and social magazines.

The sixth Goal: Develop the system of graduate studies and scientific research at the university.

Seventh Goal: Expand information technology and automating administrative work at the university.

Eighth Goal: Expanding the fields of community service, environmental development, and increasing the university’s own resources.

University strategic plan

← Sohag University’s strategic plan for 2010/2015… Click here.

← Sohag University’s strategic plan for 2015/2020… Click here.

The five-year strategic plan for the development of information systems and technology at Sohag University 2012-2017:-

← The five-year strategic plan for the development of information systems and technology for Sohag University … click here.

IT development strategy:

← The executive plan of the strategic plan for the development of information technology at Sohag University … click here.


تم تصميم الصفحة ورفعها بواسطة: Taha