Sohag University gets ready to participate in the competition of the best university on the student activities

Prof Ahmed Aziz, the president of the university, held a preparatory meeting to get ready for the competition of the best university in the student activities at the […]

Taha | Conferences and workshops | 10:31 am Tuesday 3rd September 2019 | | اقراء المزيد

Sohag University concludes the first training course for preparing the leaders

Prof Ahmed Aziz, the president of the university, announced that Sohag University concludes the first training course for preparing the leaders Dr Aziz expressed his happiness with the […]

Taha | Conferences and workshops | 4:18 am Saturday 31st August 2019 | | اقراء المزيد

Sohag University opens the third scientific course of cochlear implants in Upper Egypt

Prof Ahmed Aziz, the president of the university, attended the third scientific course of cochlear implants which ENT department organizes at faculty of medicine. Dr Aziz said that […]

Taha | Conferences and workshops | 4:17 am Saturday 31st August 2019 | | اقراء المزيد

A workshop about diagnosing and treating squint cases

Prof Ahmed Aziz, the president of the university, attended the workshop of treating and diagnosing squint cases Dr Aziz said that the workshop included treating many and critical […]

Taha | Conferences and workshops | 4:17 am Saturday 31st August 2019 | | اقراء المزيد

“العنف ضد المرأة” بجامعة سوهاج تبحث عن حلول جذرية لختان الإناث -en

شارك اليوم الدكتور أحمد عزيز رئيس جامعة سوهاج فعاليات الندوة التثقيفية التوعوية الأولى التي نظمتها وحدة مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة بالجامعة بعنوان “ختان الإناث بين العادات المجتمعية والصحة […]

Taha | Conferences and workshops | 7:17 pm Friday 30th August 2019 | | اقراء المزيد